Monday 24 June 2013


1. Being deeply loved by someone gives 
    you strength, while loving someone 
   deeply gives you courage,
     (LAO TZU ).

2. Sometimes the heart sees what is 
     invisible to the eye.
     ( Jackson Brown).

3.Keep love in your heart .  A life without 
   it is like a sunless garden when 
   the flowers are dead.
    ( Oscar Wilde).

4. Love is composed of a single soul 
    inhabiting two bodies.
    ( Aristotle).

5.Friends can help each other . A true 
  friend is someone who lets you have total 
  freedom to be yourself_and especially to feel.
  Or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at
  the moment is fine with them.  That is what real love amounts to 
  letting a person be what he really is.
     (Jim Morrison).

6.Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
  In the beginning a flame ,very pretty, often hot and fierce, 
  but still only light and flickering .
  As love grows older , our hearts mature and love becomes
  as coals, deep burning and unquenchable.
   (Bruce Lee).

7.Affection is responsible for nine tenths of whatever
  solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.
   ( C.S Lewis).

8.I have decided to stick with love.
  Hate is too great burden to
   bear. (  Martin Luther).

9.Immature love says: I LOVE YOU
  because I need you. Mature love says , I need you
 because I love you.

10. Where there is love there is life.
    ( Mahatma Gandhi).

11. A kiss is a lovely trick designed by
     nature to stop speech when words
    become superfluous .
   (Ingrid Bergman).

12. I have found the paradox, that if you love
     until it hurts , there can be no more hurt ,
    only more love .
    (Mother TERESA).

13. A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
    ( Thomas Carlyle).

14. We are born alone , we live alone, we die alone.
     only through our love and friendship can we create the
     illusions for the moment that we are not alone.
    9 Orson Welles).

15.A flower cannot blossom without sunshine
    and man cannot live without love.
    (Max Muller).

16.Let us always meet each other with smile,
    for the smile is the beginning of love.
   (Mother Teresa).

17.Love begins at home ,and it is not how much we do...
    but how much love we put in that action.
    ( Mother Teresa).

18.Love does not begin and end the way we seem
    to think it does. Love is battle,
   love is war. love is growing up.
   (James A).

19.Gravitation is not responsible fo people
    falling in love.
   ( Albert Einstein)

20.A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes
     out the years .
    ( R. Brooke).

     (Mandino ).

22.At the touch of love everyone
     becomes a poet.
     (Plato ).

23.Come live in my heart and pay
     no rent.

24.Love is our true destiny. we do not find the meaning
    of life by ourselves alone_we find it
    with another .
    ( Thomas Merton)

25.Love is like war , easy to start  but very
    hard to stop.

26. Love is life. and if you miss love, you
    miss life."

27.Friendship often ends in love, but love
    in friendship ___never."

28.A part of kindness consists in loving people
    more than they deserve ."

29.Faith makes all things possible...
    love makes all things easy.."

30.The best thing to hold onto in life
    is each other."

31.The best proof of love is trust."

32.Love is not something you find .
    Love is something that finds you."

33.A loving heart is the truest wisdom."

34.Love can sometimes be magic.
    but magic can sometimes ... just
    be an illusion.'

35 . I like not only to be loved. but also
      to be told I am loved.
    ( George Eliot).

36.As soon go kindle fire with snow , as seek to quench
    the fire of love with words."
   ( Shakespeare).

37.If you wish to be loved, show more of
    your faults than virtues."

38.Love is a flower you have to let grow,.'

39. ' Love is the beauty of soul."

40. Love is a better teacher than duty.
       ( Einstein)

41. Only do what your heart tells you.
     Princess DIANA.

42.You never lose by loving.
    you always lose by holding back."

43.Love is a game that two can play and
    both win."

44.Love does not dominate, it

45.Everything is clearer when you are in love."

46.Love is being stupid together"

47.The art of love is largely a art of persistence."

48.When love is not madness it is
     not love."

49. To say "I Love you " one must be able to say "I".

50. Blessed is the influence of one true, loving
     human soul on another."
    ( G, Eliot).
 plz give comments if you like.

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