Monday, 24 June 2013



1. opportunity may knock only once , but 

     temptation leans on the doorbell.

2. The superior man is modest in his speech ,

     but exceeds in his actions.

3.Man is born broken. he lives by mending.

    the grace of GOD is glue.

4. If you can not feed a hundred people

   then feed just one.

5.friendship with our spouses, like everything

   else,exists to glorify GOD and his kingdom.

6.If you accept expectations of others, especially 

   negative ones, then you never will change the 


7. When we lose GOD  , it is not 

  GOD who is lost.

8.Quality means doing it right when no one 

     is looking.

9. you cannot push anyone up to ladder.

   unless he is willing to climb.

10. Laughter and love are priceless gifts, so live with passion

    , laugh and love as much as you breathe,.

11.dont cheat the world of your contribution . give it

     what you have got.

12.A man needs a little madness or else he never dares 

     to cut the rope and be free.

13. If you have never made a mistake then it means 

   you have never tried something new.

14.Wanting to be someone you are not is a waste 

    of person you are.

15. be a blessing to someone today.

16.Live like each day is your last, love like you have 

    never been hurt before, sing like no one is listning ..

17. A person often meets his destiny on the road

     he took to avoid it.

18.Every heart sings a song incomplete , until 

    another heart whispers back.

19.Tell me and i forget,teach me and i remember.

    involve me and i learn.

20.It is not joy that makes us grateful , it is 

    gratitude that makes us joyful.


21.Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

     live the life you have imagined.

22.Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings 

     have trouble remembering how to fly.

23.The reputation of a thousand years may be determined 

     by the conduct of one hour.

24.If you are not part of the solution , you are 

    part of the problem.

25.Do just once what others say you cannot do, and you 

    will nevr pay attentionto their limitations again.

26.Every time you smile at someone , it is an action of love,

     a gift to that person , a beautiful thing.

27.I cannot believe that GOD put us on this earth 

    to be ordinary .

28. Everyone you meet has something to teach you.

29.Courage is knowing what not to fear.

30.If you dont like something , change it.

    if you cant change it , change your  attitude.

31.If you are afraid of failure you dont deserve to 

     be successful.

32.Winners dont wait for chances , they take them.

33.Never stand begging for that which you have the power 

     to earn.

34.Whether you think you are ready or not , just start 

 right now. there is magic in action.

35.When you follow the dream in your heart , you are energised, inspired &motivated.

36.Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is

     stored than to anything on which it is poured.

37. Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever 

     achieve greatly.

38. To get the full value of joy , you must have someone 

      to divide it with.

39.It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you  see.

40. If your ship does not come in,

               swim out to it. 

41.The time is always right to do what is right.

42.I do not find time to exercise .  I make the time to exercise.

43.Once the game is over , the king and pawn go back in 

     the same box.

44.All glory comes from daring to begin.

45.You can tell how high a society is by how much of its 

     garbage is recycled.

46.Gold medals are not really made of gold.  They are made of sweat 

      determination and a hard to find alloy called guts.

47.Be a good listener , your ears will never

    get you in trouble.

48.Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable

    others think it is.

49. A mere friend will agree with you , but a real 

     friend will argue .

50.You must do the thing which you think you can not do.

51. Being created in HIS image is an awesome gift, as well as

     a sacred responsibility.

52.Find out what you are afraid of and go live there.

53.Keep your mind going in the right direction, and your

     life will catch up with it.

54.When we put our cares in HIS hands , HE puts HIS peace

     in our hearts.

55.Worry often gives a small thing a great shadow.

56.Yesterday is but today,s memory,tomorrow is today,s


57.The dictionary is the only place where success comes

        before work.

58.The greatest gift we have is the gift of life.

59.The superior man is modest in his speech , but exceeds

       in his actions.

60.Cast all your anxiety on HIM because HE cares for you.

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